"You and the business you have built up is unique and if it had to disappear will be sorely missed in South Africa. You and your business is / are an icon in predator control in South Africa."

Petrus de Wet

President, National Wool Growers Association of South Africa

Chairman, Environment and Animal Welfare Committee, IWTO Brussels, EU

Chairman, Predation Management Forum of South Africa

" ... ek kon nooit slagysters stel in kampe met skape. Die lokmiddels het toe die oplossing gebied. My eerste poging met die lokmiddel het 'n rooikat opgelewer. My bure en ander boere is baie beindruk met die metode..."

J van Rooyen, Prieska

"Ek het u kursus baie geniet en so baie daarby geleer. Ek wil nogmaals baie dankie se daarvoor. Ek het reeds 2 rooikatte en 1 rooijakkals gevang. 1 Rooikat het ek die eerste nag gevang. Ek wens ek het dit al 20 jaar gelede geweet." 

J J Botes, Aberdeen

"Dear Peter... I would have liked to have sent you photographs of 7 rooikatte caught in six weeks. Ernst Grasop, a neighbour and pupil of yours, caught 3 rooikatte in a week."

Hein van Wijk, Maltahöhe, Namibia

The above are just a selection of comments from satisfied customers, there are hundreds more.